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On the right path to career success “GS4CI”

12 Apr 2013


As part of its educational consultancy services, “J&R” is proud to offer a new career guidance service to high school and university students. The Guided Search for Career Identity (GS4CI) provides an exploratory experience by taking a student, with the guidance of a counselor, into the world of career exploration through introspection and thorough reflection of the different aspects of the working personality.


The Guided Search for Career Identity “GS4CI” takes a student, with the guidance of a counselor, into the world of career exploration through introspection and thorough reflection of the different aspects of the working personality. Students have minimal time to meditate and withdraw from all activities and pressures around them to focus on their future life choices. The “GS4CI” is a liberating experience as the individual student focuses on himself/herself and explores the different aspects of his/her projected working personality. Traits of different domains of the working personality are explored to help students make choices of their tertiary academic program. The “GS4CI” helps students find pathways both in Arts and Sciences and possibly interdisciplinary. These predetermined paths would help them develop their full potential and excel in academia and consequently find a future career suitable for different components of their career personality.


The “GS4CI” is also a tool for change management. In workplaces, where change is needed and in-service individuals are in need of career changes, the “GS4CI” helps them refocus and rediscover areas of their career personalities in order to pursue alternative careers relevant to their personality traits. The shift from Arts to Sciences and vice versa is then justified.


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