Delivering High-End Consultancy and Corporate Training in both English & Arabic



  • In business, credibility is not only measured by results but by people’s awareness of the results. Effective communication is the single most essential skill of leadership success at every level of the organization. Learn how to increase your productivity by taking charge of your communication style. High performing teams know the importance of collaboration; excellent communication skills give the team its strength and resilience. Participants in these seminars will gain knowledge and skills pertaining to professional business communications that are appropriate for executives, managers, and employees.
  • Assertive Communication
  • Communication is the number one contributor to leadership success. Assertiveness is a useful communication tool. Its application is contextual; it is not appropriate to be assertive in all situations; employees use of assertiveness may be perceived as an act of aggression by others. This workshop provides awareness of the many styles of the communication process.
  • Becoming a Master Communicator
Your company does have a voice – it is the collective written communication emanating from each employee, at all levels of service. Ascertain that each key professional within your organization performs optimally when composing written documents for internal and external distribution. This powerful suite of communication modules includes the following five courses:
  • Write it Right – Begin with the basics: the mechanics of grammar, punctuation, and capitalization; scrupulous attention to flawless spelling and word usage. Advance to audience, organization and content. Identify and avoid common errors.
  • E-Writing for E-Maniacs – Composing, distributing, and managing electronic forms of written communication (email, instant message, text message, etc.) requires careful attention. Learn to leverage this primary form of correspondence, and avoid inherent mistakes.
  • Special Writing Applications – Study the techniques used each day by the marketing professionals to enhance your newsletters, flyers, and invitations. Tight, exciting messages that demand attention are no accident. Learn the art of the call to action.
  • What’s In and What’s Out – Apply the myriad formatting options available within today’s word processing software, without detracting from your message. Revisit acceptable business language and voice. Achieve contemporary flair while retaining a professional image.
  • Powerful Presentations – Learn to liberally and confidently apply the techniques that make a presentation spark, pop and sizzle. Put a stop to the usual disorganized, boring presentations.
  • Cyber-Management and Manners – Getting the Most from Email
  • Your message is not “just an email. Ensure that your skills are current with a careful analysis of email correspondence etiquette and distribution “netiquette.”
  • Effective Business Communication
  • Communication is the dynamic process that drives business, and this course is the ultimate guide for accelerating to excellence while skillfully avoiding the barriers. Strategies are examined for ideal impact in light of the message, the audience, the resources available, and the call to action. Clear, concise, factual communication is stressed through a variety of written and verbal applications. Continual emphasis on measuring comprehension during all phases of communication ensures that participants are able to identify barriers and address them.
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Communication styles are diverse, and are not always compatible. Advance your organization’s objectives by learning to identify the various communication styles and leveraging your interaction to ensure clarity at the interpersonal level. Learn to analyze effective and ineffective listening, develop messages that will be heard, and build constructive relationships in the workplace. Understanding exactly what others are conveying, through verbal and non-verbal behavior, is key to targeting problems and developing effective solutions. Diffuse aggressive, covert aggressive and non- assertive behavior – even if it is your own!

customer service


  • Millions of words have been written about customer service and how to create a corporate culture around this theme. Customer Service used to be all about transactions- make a quality product that results in a profitable sale. In today’s economy, it is imperative that everyone in your company does a good job with internal and external customers. Today’s customer is the next person in line who receives your output, whether he/she is at the next desk or halfway around the world. A financial transaction no longer defines the customer. Nothing you do at work is more important than tending to your customer.
  • Internal Customer Service: Working Together to Make Things Work
  • build motivation and engagement toward continuous improvement by creating awareness of internal customers. This module provides clarity about the impact of positive inter- and intra- departmental relationships. The focus is on sustaining collaborative relationships, learning specific techniques for clarifying responsibilities, and increasing commitment to organizational goals. An analysis of the complementary aspects among all personality styles aids in the reduction of friction and an awareness of the value of diverse styles within a successful organization.
  • Customer Relationships: Essentials of Customer Service
  • A comprehensive analysis of human behavior characteristics allow both veterans and new hires, alike, to elevate customer service quality from good to fantastic.
  • Attitude is Everything
  • Improve crucial first impressions and the continued satisfaction of customers by learning and incorporating great attitude components, including active listening skills and positive body language.
  • Servicing the Angry Customer
  • Explore strategies for approaching each customer style and become adept at working with difficult customers. Participants will be encouraged to practice techniques allowing a calm, controlled demeanor while servicing the really angry customer, including strategies for handling harsh language.
  • Respecting Everyone’s Differences
  • This course will emphasize the benefits of showing respect to customers; identify the dangers of stereotyping, and provide the tools to respond in a consistently positive manner.

leadership & management


  • The cornerstone of effective business execution is to get things done through others. This is the fundamental role of good leadership. Leaders define the company culture by setting goals and priorities, by being actively involved, and by putting the right people in the right jobs that are also energized and optimistic.
  • These seminars will help you assess the gaps in your company’s leadership capabilities and will provide ready-to-use strategies for improvement.
  • Accountability That Works
  • Study accountability in the context of continuous quality improvement. Create greater team effectiveness by ensuring that each task within a project has an owner; learn to be accountable without being defensive, and create accountability-based questions that focus on results. Create a safe environment for accountability with full comprehension of the five core areas of accountability.
  • Applied Strategic Planning
  • The goals of the organization are met by effective leaders who make decisions with the strategic plan in mind. Learn to align long- and longer-term strategy with the mission statement, and measure strategic goals against vision, values, and culture. Work with performance analysis and gap analysis. Examine successful strategy for implementation and monitoring.
  • Building Commitment to Change
  • Organizational change can strengthen and improve performance; it requires skillful leadership. Garner authentic commitment to the new direction as quickly as possible by understanding the emotions that employees will experience during progressive stages of change. Recognize the self- defeating attitude, and skillfully redirect to overcome resistance. Keep organizational objectives on track in the face of change by building solid commitment from your team. Learn to create a climate that will accept and encourage changes.
  • Collaborative Conflict Resolution
  • Differentiate between “functional” and “dysfunctional” conflict and provide positive guidance toward a resolution while retaining the goals of the organization. Practice a collaborative model for conflict transformation by encouraging creative options. Manage conflict that arises within teams. Assess your personal conflict management style and learn how to best influence positive outcomes.
  • Preventing Harassment in the Workplace
  • Maintain a healthy and comfortable workplace environment by understanding sexual harassment issues, and pro-actively diffusing inappropriate behavior. A study of the policies, and procedures for reporting harassment situations will motivate leaders to actively protect team members (and the organization) from inappropriate behavior and potential litigation.
  • Cultural Diversity in the Workplace
  • Lead a team that leverages the advantages of a culturally diverse composition. Learn techniques to overcome barriers that stand in the way of a diverse workforce. Distinguish between valuing differences, and managing diversity.
  • Delegating Successfully
  • Your staff will become underutilized and dissatisfied if you lack delegation skills. Explore a model for delegating workload and identify criteria for selecting the right person for the task.
  • Goal Setting
  • Become adept at formulating goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-based, and aligned to the organization’s overall mission and strategy. Learn an approach to creating action plans that help ensure that goals and objectives are achieved.
  • Making the Most of Meetings
  • Assess the need for meetings. Recognize and arrange events that need to happen before, during, and after a meeting. Identify the factors that drain meeting productivity. Learn to manage conflict and other difficult behavior during the meeting. Use meetings to save time, improve decision making, and build team momentum.
  • Leadership Excellence
  • Understand personal leadership styles, and the keys to leading different styles of people. Identify common leadership challenges, and the forces to overcome them. Discuss the responsibilities of managing people and projects. Learn, discuss, and apply coaching techniques. Learn to create and communicate vision.
  • Hire Hard, Manage Easy – Interviewing and Selecting
  • Learn and practice key skills that are critical for finding and keeping the best talent. Review guidelines to follow during the interview and selection process. Practice conducting a behavioral, structured interview.
  • Financial Fundamentals for Non-Financial Managers
  • A succinct review of the primary financial statements, basic cash-flow concepts, cost analysis, and budget preparation. Participants will perform calculations to reinforce the concepts that will provide a solid foundation for effective business decisions.
  • High Performance Coaching
  • Evaluate the character and capabilities of subordinates and choose where to direct energy for systematic improvement in the competencies that your organization needs. Choose and apply a specific coaching model and recognize the barriers to an effective coaching relationship.
  • Motivating and Managing Performance
  • Define the essential components of a performance management system. Identify motivators and study strategies that foster a self-motivating work environment. Understand generational differences and the impact on workplace motivation. Recognize the importance of providing continued professional growth opportunities for your team members.
  • Problem Solving and Decision-Making
  • Think clearly and creatively about problem situations with a focused approach to problem solving. Find and solve root causes to avoid future difficulties. Support and explain decisions to all stakeholders.
  • Strategic Leadership and Decision Making
  • Learn how to perform multiple scenario analyses. Practice strategy formulation. Gain strategic and critical thinking competencies. Make sound decisions in today’s fast-paced environment.
  • Managing Stress in the Workplace
  • Recognize symptoms of stress in others and understand the effect of stress on employee behavior. Increase your ability to adapt to ongoing changes and demands; learn how to structure work environments to minimize stress. Move stress from a negative to a positive influence in yourself .
  • The Ethical Leader
  • Recognize situations that produce ethical dilemmas. Anticipate potential issues and develop ethical behavior scenarios specific to your organization. Create an ethics management program for employees.
  • Essentials of Crisis Management
  • In a turbulent economy and in an uncertain environment, specific management and leadership skills pertaining to coping and leading during a crisis are more crucial than ever. Our training course of “Essentials of Crisis Management” aims to enhance the KSAs (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) of key role participants to be competent and ready to apply management best practices when it comes to managing in challenging and tough times.
  • Based on the clients’ needs, the training will cover, but not limited to, the following:

~ Nature and types of Crises

~ Crisis Prevention, Crisis De-escalation, and Crisis Intervention

~ Problem Solving Techniques

~ Decision Making Models

~ Recovery Management

~ Information Management

~ Communication with Internal and External Stakeholders ~ Motivation and Coaching during a crisis

~ Do’s and Don’ts of Crisis Management

~ Organizational Behavior and Crisis management ~ Managing Performance during crisis

~ Employee Empowerment

team development & team-building


  • The key to a team’s success is the effort and commitment of each individual team member. These seminars are designed for team leaders who want to move their team(s) toward a higher level of performance, and for senior managers who want to achieve a competitive edge by making teamwork a systematic process across the organization.
  • Let us help you create conditions that bring out the best in your team. In this age of global operations, every company needs to know “best practices” in managing diverse teams.
  • Cause Mapping – A Process Improvement Tool
  • Apply the analytical tool proven to solve complex problems. Cause mapping draws the entire team into the process of describing a work flow problem, identifying basic cause and effect relationships, and visualizing effective solutions. This is an indispensible tool for leaders and managers.
  • Building Commitment to Change
  • Organizational change can strengthen and improve performance; it requires skillful leadership. Garner authentic commitment to the new direction as quickly as possible by understanding the emotions that employees will experience during progressive stages of change. Recognize the self- defeating attitude and skillfully redirect it to overcome resistance. Keep organizational objectives on track in the face of change by building solid commitment from your team. Learn to create a climate that will accept and encourage changes.
  • Collaborative Conflict Resolution
  • Differentiate between functional and dysfunctional conflict, and provide positive guidance toward a resolution, while retaining the goals of the organization. Practice a collaborative model for conflict transformation, encouraging creative options. Manage conflict that arises within teams. Assess your personal conflict management style and learn how to best influence positive outcomes.
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: A Tool for Team-Building
  • All team members complete a 95-question self-assessment which identifies individual preferences in a non-judgmental manner, resulting in a Myers-Briggs four-letter “type”. Participants are then shown the many ways that diverse types work together productively.
  • Team Leadership Essentials
  • Improve team performance by leading members to commit to success as opposed to competing with each other. Study the stages of team development and identify challenges that most teams encounter. Understand how to sustain team success through skillful leadership.
  • Team Performance: Boosting Project Management
  • A team project simulation customized to your organization’s program/project management process. Participants are placed into teams where they compete to build a product from conception to audit in a fast-paced environment. Coaching will emphasize cooperation between cross- functional team members and overcoming communication barriers. Customer service and satisfaction are measured via quality, cost, and timing. Exploit the competitive advantages inherent in teams and empower individuals to participate in teams more effectively.



  • Real-world challenges that people face in their jobs require new ways of thinking and interacting. A productive company is one that people like coming to; yet, globalization and increasing competition are the cause of increasing levels of stress in the work place.
  • These seminars emphasize taking control of your life at work with a focus on accentuating the positive and managing the rapid pace of change. Participants learn how to manage competing priorities in ways that promote creativity and optimism.
  • Accentuate the Positive / Eliminate the Negative in the Workplace
  • A positive work climate does not just happen. It takes awareness, appropriate strategies and practice. Learn techniques to bring out the optimist in yourself and others. Determine the sources of negativity and how it spreads. Identify strategies for overcoming negativity and improving positive teamwork, problem solving, and productivity.
  • Great Expectations – A Lighthearted Look at Change
  • Explore the different types of change and the impact of each. Evaluate your personal reaction to change. Examine strategies to manage through change without allowing creativity, problem solving, and energy levels to dissipate.
  • Managing Multiple Priorities – Have You Got the Time?
  • Increase efficiency in scheduling and in prioritizing critical tasks and projects. Learn how to create a realistic, manageable task schedule. Leverage communication tools (phone, email, voice mail, text messages, and instant message) to reduce interruptions and boost efficiency. Explore techniques to manage interruptions while maintaining good working relationships.



  • In a highly competitive environment, there is no substitute to communication skills whether with internal or external customers. The ability to connect with others, to get the message across, and influence others through win-win strategies is what differentiates successful and professional sales consultants from others.
  • Clear Customer Communications – Selling and Influencing for Results
  • Reinforces the crucial elements of FAB (Features, Advantages, and Benefits) of a value-add strategy and mindset.
  • Customer Centered Selling Skills
  • Practice effectively probing for customer needs in a conversational manner, rather than interrogating. Participants will learn to develop and influence the customer’s needs so that the solution becomes the product. Strategies for building additional business based on the initial sale will be presented.
  • Negotiating Skills
  • Recognizing negotiation opportunities, how to prepare for a negotiation, how to achieve a “win-win” outcome- these are skills required for success inside the organization, and when working with customers. Study the rules of negotiation, and learn techniques that will make your negotiations more effective.
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